Well, short-term team season is here! I LOVE short-term teams, but this season is my craziest time of year. Thanks be to God, I actually get energized by the work and the people that come and visit. I leave this Thursday, the 7th and will be picking up Auburn Avenue in Lima. From that point on, I will be hosting teams for 30 straight days until July 7th. After a break, we'll have another team and then another break and another team. So after this initial rush, the pace is much more laid back. Please be in prayer for my time management and stamina during this time.
We just finished our first team of the season. This year I will be posting photos during the week on my FaceBook page and then blogging on the Peru Mission website. So, to keep up with my work and what the Lord will be doing these next few months, check out the
Short Term Team Blog or like my
FaceBook page. Since we have already had one short term team, I'll give you a sneak peek here. One of the things this team did was give fluoride treatments in a loca school. It is fluoride on cotton that the kids put in their mouth and hold it there for 2 minutes. It tastes like strawberry and is not really bad (yes, I've personally tried it!). But as the photo shows. . .some liked it and others not so much.