Friday, June 17, 2011

Alleen McLain's photostream

Sugar Cane Fields BurningAftermath of the sugar cane fields burningSundays in the parkSan Fransisco Iglesia in LimaHermes and meGood Friday candlelight vigil
Good friday Good Friday vigilGood Friday ServicesWhite and BrownFriends at Easter ServiceRaquel and Miriam
Hmm, what are you up to?Maudy Thursday serviceRaquel and Isiais2 year anniversary in Peru!Happy Day!Santa Maria Cell Group
Sharing words about me and my 2 years hereHaving FunKati, Me and Maresaput me down!Kati, Me and MaresaHappy Birthday to Maresa

Check out some of the photos from my life in Peru. I will continue to update regularly and have it on my sidebar. Enjoy!

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