Monday, August 30, 2010

Peruvian Cooking Lesson #452

Well, I've learned a lot of new cooking skills here in Peru.  I had no idea how to really cook rice until I moved here.  There are the new dishes to learn to cook, the spices to use, different ways to make old favorites.  But the other night, I learned a new skill.  How do you open a can?  Can opener? or knife?

Can opener, right?  Not here.  I had one (notice past tense) -- see it is green and pretty, and broken.  So, this happens as I am making enchiladas for a group of my friends.  Included in this group is an architect, an accountant, etc. . . some pretty smart guys.  I ask them to see if they can repair the can opener.  They were not even sure how it worked!  It was as if I was showing them a brand new item.  And so I inquired, how do you open a can without a can opener?  They looked as if I had asked the dumbest question on earth and kindly, gently said, "A knife, how else?"  So, they proceeded to teach me how to open a can with just a knife.  It took me some time, but I think I finally have it down.  And it is a good thing because I have not replaced the broken can opener and just Saturday had to open another can.  I cannot do it as smooth as they do, but can add opening cans with only a knife to my skill set.

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